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Exploring the real liquid treasures: A deep dive into the best spring water brands in the Czech Republic 🇨🇿💧

When you think of the Czech Republic, images of rich history, castles and, of course, world-renowned beer may come to mind. However, this charming Central European country has another hidden gem beneath its surface - its vast variety of natural mineral waters. I went on a journey to explore the fascinating world of the best Czech spring and mineral water brands. And you can read about it here.

Mineral waters have played an important role in the culture and history of the Czech Republic for centuries. Most of the mineral water springs were first mentioned in written records in the 1660s. In total, there are more than 300 natural springs with unique mineral compositions. These springs have been a source of relaxation, healing and inspiration for generations of Czechs and visitors alike.

Probably the two most famous mineral water destinations are Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad) and Mariánské Lázně (Marienbad), both of which have several mineral springs. But Czech mineral waters are not limited to these spas. Bottled mineral water from the country is widely available and enjoyed by people both in the Czech Republic and abroad (Please also read the article about my visit to Jan Vokurka and his company Kitl s.r.o. in Czech Republic) I have to admit that when I went to the supermarkets I was a bit overwhelmed by the huge variety of waters and their complex minerality. Yes, Germany also has a huge variety of natural mineral waters, but the composition is not so far apart if you compare 10 bottles on a shelf.

There are carbonated and still varieties, waters low in minerals with a Total Dissolved Solids of 123 mg per liter to high in minerals with a TDS of 14,700 mg per liter. To help you compare, Evian has a TDS of 345 mg per liter. Whether you prefer a bubbly refreshment or a still, soothing drink, you're sure to find a mineral water that suits your taste. A propo taste. Of course, I was very interested in tasting all these waters, so I filled up my car and started tasting and comparing them. There are waters with a taste profile that I have never tasted before. One water tasted more like a mineral-rich chicken broth, others very salty, and very bitter.

The minerals don't just give the water its special taste, they also have potential health benefits. Many believe that regular consumption of these waters can aid digestion, improve skin health, and even increase overall vitality. And this is also one of the reasons why the spa cities got so famous around the world. The list of complaints that can be treated is long: Respiratory disease, indigestion, diabetes, musculoskeletal dysfunction, respiratory problems, fatigue, loss of appetite, and much more.

I can only recommend you to visit and explore the Czech Republic and its liquid treasures. Whether you sip from a historic spring in a spa town or enjoy a bottle of Czech mineral water at home, you'll be immersed in a rich tradition that has stood the test of time.

And now I will share with you my top 10 mineral waters from my trip to the Czech Republic, including their Total Dissolved Solids:

Many greetings

Timo Bausch

Certified Water Sommelier


About Timo Bausch

My fascination with mineral waters began in 2016 during my training as a Water Sommelier. Since then, I have been exploring the characteristics and diversity of water. In addition to pairing water with food, wine, coffee and other beverages, I offer the creation of water menus for restaurants and hotels. Furthermore, it is also important to me to draw attention to the importance of drinking water.


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