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Facts that you always wanted
to know about water

Best water! How do I find the right water for me?

Which is the best water? As a water sommelier, this is probably the question I am asked most often. Many people expect a clear answer, some kind of 'best water in the world' that surpasses all others. But my answer is always the same: "For what purpose?"

Because each water has its own speciality and the choice of the right water depends very much on the context in which it is consumed.

When you exercise, your body needs minerals to replace the fluids lost through sweating. Mineral-rich water with high levels of sodium, magnesium and calcium is ideal. On the other hand, if you are drinking water with an aromatic coffee, it should be as soft as possible, i.e. contain as few minerals as possible, so as not to overpower the flavour of the coffee.

Water also plays a key role in wine pairing. Still water, which does not enhance tannins, goes well with red wine, while sparkling water with carbon dioxide can be a refreshing accompaniment to white wine. The choice of water also makes a difference with food. Slightly mineralised, slightly carbonated water goes well with fish dishes, emphasising the freshness. On the other hand, a mineral-rich sparkling water can complement the savoury flavours of a roast beef with onions.

If people still look at me the wrong way, I answer... The best water is the water you like most! If you like the taste of a water, you will automatically drink more of it. And drinking enough water is the most important thing for your health!

So how do you find the best water for you?

Here's my advice on how to find your favourite water:

  1. Try different waters: There are an incredible number of different mineral waters, each with its own unique taste profile. Some are smooth and neutral, others are salty, sweet, sour or even bitter. I recommend choosing 4-6 different waters on the market that differ significantly in their mineral composition.

  2. Pay attention to the mineral content: the label will give you a first indication of the taste of the water! The following table can help you find water rich in calcium or magnesium, for example:

    Overview about the mineralization of water

  3. Try different levels of carbonation: Some people like sparkling water, while others prefer still water. That's why you can do the test yourself with a brand of water and try the still, medium and sparkling versions. Some brands even have a fourth option, 'effervescent'.

  4. Listen to your body: It may sound crazy, but your body will tell you what water it needs. Many people have told me that certain waters make them feel better, whether they have switched from tap water to bottled water, or from a low mineralized water to a water high in minerals. So pay attention to whether you feel refreshed and revitalised after drinking a particular type of water.

  5. For connoisseurs, try water in combination with food and other beverages. Which water goes best with your favourite food or coffee? Try it out!

Conclusion: The best water is individual

There is no perfect water for everyone. Depending on your situation, diet and personal taste, a different water may be best for you. Experiment and find out which water gives you the most pleasure! By the way, you may like water A today and water B in two weeks' time. My recommendation is to repeat points 1 to 6 regularly.

If you want to learn more about water, I recommend the #AWESOMM TASTING BOXES. Not only will you learn about the different tastes of mineral water, but you will also learn about the minerals in the water and the positive effects they can have on our bodies.

Have fun exploring your taste buds!

Best regards

Timo Bausch

Certified Water Sommelier



About Timo Bausch

My fascination with mineral waters began in 2016 during my training as a Water Sommelier. Since then, I have been exploring the characteristics and diversity of water. In addition to pairing water with food, wine, coffee and other beverages, I offer the creation of water menus for restaurants and hotels. Furthermore, it is also important to me to draw attention to the importance of drinking water.


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