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Facts that you always wanted
to know about water

Go with the Flow - Refreshing dialogue with Flow Water 💧

Two weeks ago, I was invited to visit Camelia Rotarita, Vice President of Co-Manufacturing & Product at Flow Water Beverages Corp (Flow) in Aurora, Ontario.

Camielia Rotarita (VP Co-Manufacturing & Product / Timo Bausch (Certified Water Sommelier)

For those of you who don't know Flow Water: Flow was founded in Canada by Nicholas Reichenbach, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Flow. After attending the Burning Man Festival in 2013 and seeing all the plastic bottles afterwards, he wanted to make a change and bottle naturally alkaline spring water in sustainable Tetra Pak beverage cartons.

While it all started with contract bottling at another company, Flow now bottles the water itself. In addition to naturally alkaline spring water, the company also offers flavored water and a recently launched line of vitamin water products. The company's products are available in more than 54,000 stores in North America, including Whole Foods, Costco, Starbucks and Walmart. In 2022, Flow generated revenues of 47 million Canadian Dollars. The company has been listed on the TSX since 2021.

For me, it was really interesting to hear the story of how the company started and how it continues to evolve. Camelia herself joined Flow as employee number 3. Like me, she had previously worked at Tetra Pak. From her first meeting with Nicholas, she sensed his passion for Flow and decided to help the company achieve its vision of "bringing wellness to the world through the positive power of water".

It was a very emotional meeting because I know Flow Water from my time at Tetra Pak and have been following it for years. My highlight was the visit to the production facility. After almost one year, I had the opportunity to see Tetra Pak lines in action, from processing to repackaging.

Thank you Camelia for the great interview and insight into the company.

Many greetings

Timo Bausch

Certified Water Sommelier


About Timo Bausch

My fascination with mineral waters began in 2016 during my training as a Water Sommelier. Since then, I have been exploring the characteristics and diversity of water. In addition to pairing water with food, wine, coffee and other beverages, I offer the creation of water menus for restaurants and hotels. Furthermore, it is also important to me to draw attention to the importance of drinking water.


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